Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Windows 10 becomes a recommended update – will auto install on some PCs

Windows 10 becomes a recommended update – will auto-install on some PCs

After pushing the Windows 10 upgrade on Windows 7/8.1 users in a number of somewhat controversial ways last year, Microsoft is turning up the heat and has now made its new OS a recommended update under Windows Update.

This is no surprise, as Redmond had announced its intention to do this several months back. The company said that it would happen early in 2016, and it turns out that February is the month for the switch to be flicked.

As ZDNet reports, Microsoft made the following statement letting folks know that Windows 10 has become a recommended update: "As we shared in late October on the Windows Blog, we are committed to making it easy for our Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 customers to upgrade to Windows 10. We updated the upgrade experience today to help our customers, who previously reserved their upgrade, schedule a time for their upgrade to take place."

Automatic antics

If, like ourselves, youve got Windows Update set to allow you to choose whether to install updates, then youll see the upgrade but wont have it applied – although those who have selected install updates automatically could see Windows 10 being installed on their machines without them taking any action. Be warned.

That said, Microsoft has said that even if the installation begins automatically, users will be able to cancel out of the process, and indeed theyll have a month to roll back if they still accidentally make the move and decide they really dont like Windows 10.

Microsofts previous dubious tactics in pushing Windows 10 include tweaking the upgrade prompt that pops up on the desktop so folks are more likely to click to upgrade, messing with third-party software that blocks said prompt, and even spreading fear and loathing concerning Windows 7.

None of this seems to have dented adoption of the new OS, though, and the latest figures show a strong surge of users moving to Windows 10.

  • Should you upgrade to Windows 10?

from www.techradar.com


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